Archive for January, 2010


Dub Actiiones

If you cannot read the title, it reads Dub Actiionez (Act she own ez).  Is it a word?  Nope.  Do I say it all the time?  Yep.  Do I have cool shit to show you today?  Yep.  Do I have three thumbs?  Well…

Strolling through Flickr I saw some awesome little VW’s from somewhere in Europe…  They have black license plates.  I have no idea where they are from, but they are cool and I want to share them.  Don’t judge me.


Very cool Caddy.  I am guessing this thing actually races.  Call it a hunch.

Looks as if it also got into a scuffle or two.

I loved it shaved…

Awesome little kids’ push cart.

Wish I had one of these as a kid.

Rat styled Bugs are sexified.  Fenders on the front tires, not feeling it.

A bug?  Don’t mind if I do!

Renault Clio burning some rubber.  Who needs tread?  Not this guy.


I wish I could get a Bus, some day I shall get a real van.

Dueling Buses!!  WIN!!

T4 sort of ratted out.  Interesting but I see poor execution.

Big, Brown, and Beautiful.  Always a fan of that.

T3, I dig it.

Vans on the track!  I am giddy like a school girl.  Not not that kind you pervs.  Geez, have to ruin everything.  I spy diesel smoke too.

Nice panning.

I would love to road trip in one of these orr go camping.  Who’s in?!

Pics: Flickr


Snowy Toaster

Tony’s Toaster getting a little snow job.  FYI, he loves in SoCal so snow isn’t really commonplace, lol.

Keep doing your thing Tony.

Pic: Tony’s Flickr


Showing Some Love

Sometimes you just gotta show your homies some love and that’s what I am doing today.  I won’t be bringing you much dealing with OMGP criteria but if you’re an automotive renaissance man like myself, you’ll enjoy today’s post.  If you’re not, come back tomorrow, I got you tomorrow.

Hecht is the writer and associate editor of

I met Hecht when he would comment on some of my posts here.  His comments are always full of enthusiasm and almost always gave me a little chuckle.  After conversing with Hecht and checking out his site, I found that that is who he is.  Hecht is a man with character that really enjoys his automobiles but especially hot rods and old school American rides.  His site, My Ride Is Me, has a lot of great content from general blog entries highlighting cars and shops, to how-to’s and stories, and he even showcases some art.  He doesn’t discriminate, but he definitely enjoys engines that are shaped like a “V” haha.

One of my favourite parts of his site is the “Pinup Models” gallery.  Why, well who can deny the classic beauty of a beautiful pinup model and a gorgeous ride?  Here are a couple of my fav’s.

Heidi Van

Nikki Dodge

Jenny Dee

Okay, that’s enough beautiful women for right now.

MyRideIsMe also has a whole forum for a person to ramble on.

Now I want to highlight a couple of posts I enjoyed.

“Car of the Week”

Do you really have to understand why I like this one.  I am sure it has a lot to do with a certain squared vehicle and Hecht talking about how he wants one.  Not to mention that that woodie rendering is freaking sexy as hell.

Hot Rod Scout

I never thought I would see an International Scout in hot rod form.  I can honestly say that.  Thinking about it, this is not how I would do a Scout in a hot rod fashion, but I still think it’s pretty damn cool.  Go check out this Corvette powered sex machine.

1933 Ford Pickup

There is just something undeniable about a sexy hot rod on the salt flats of Bonneville.  It has an aura that is unmatched.  This is a very cool story of a sexy little ’33 Ford Pickup.

Pocket Full of Possies

…uuuuuuuuuhhhhh  This thing is so gorgeous I can’t remember what the post was about.

2009 Grand National Roadster Show

The GNRS is one of the best and most prestigious shows on the planet and Hecht has great coverage and great insight on the whole show.  If that’s not enough for you, look at that car!!!  Check it.

I’d also like to mention that he has some great coverage on there.  Think I’m lying?

Exhibit A

Exhibit B

Exhibit C, D, & E

So do you believe me now that Hecht and his site is pretty awesome and worth a look if you like a plethora of rides but also really dig rods and muscle?  Well if you don’t then you sir or ma’am need to see a doctor.  I dig his site and it is on my daily check list.

My Ride Is Me

*edit*  Craig “Pikesan” Pike is the OG at My Ride Is Me, Hecht is just a boob.


One Sexy xB2

Remember when I said I would only post xB2’s if they stepped their game up?  Well this xB2 has never needed to step its game up.  It’s owner, Mike Tseng has been hitting it hard ever since I first saw it on SL (ScionLife).  Every time I see pics of his xB2 my jaw is usually on its way to the floor.

I mean, look at this thing.  It is perfect in its simplicity and drop dead gorgeous.  This Hypnotic Teal colour definitely was not my favourite when the xB2 was first released, but I was very interested to see what people would do with it.  I have not seen many that catch my fancy, but Mike’s is by far the best in my eyes.  He really worked the colour to his advantage.

Those wheels are WORK Equip Voggard.  If you have never seen them before, don’t feel bad.  I was completly clueless of what they were until Mike told me.  Granted I am no wheel junkie or whore, but I know my fair share.  He is slammed to the weeds on bags and it totally makes the ride.  Hot fiyah!!

By the way, Mike is a total wheel whore.  I have seen this xB2 with something like four or five different sets of wheels.  And not just some bullshit wheels either, I can remember seeing VSXX’s and Blitz’s on his ride.  Not to mention he has had R32 wheels on here too.  Oh yes, R32 wheels.  They may be a stock take-off, but they looked damn good.  If I recall correctly, his xB2 was posted on Speed Hunters a while back with the R32 wheels on.

Mike has equipped his xB2 with a 5Axis lip kit and LED tails.  The chrome bits you see are off the xB2’s Japanese counterpart, the Toyota Rumion.  The wing and visors are also from the Rumion.  Mike says that he has Junction Produce products throughout the interior and informs me that his front seats are off an S2k.  Correct me if I am wrong, but aren’t S2k seats super expensive?  Baller status homey.

Props to Mike Tseng for doing his thing and doing it very well.  Keep it rocking man.

Credit:  Mike’s Blog


Periodical Corner

Well, I’ve seen this done a few times and have been wanting to do it but haven’t found anything I saw as useful until now.  I have been wanting to highlight a magazine article or entire magazine that fit OMGP criteria content.  The latest issue of SuperStreet had sufficient content so I have decided to post it.

The February 2010 issue of SS features the Bergenholtz Racing RX-8 on the cover.  This car was piloted by JTP to a 9th place finish in the 2009 season of FD.  Unfortunately, it looks like they have parted ways.  Sucks, but I hope JTP lands on his feet and the Bergenholtz Brothers find another great driver.   Onwards…

First thing I saw that I LOVED was this Legacy Wagon.  OMG this thing is freakin’ sexy.  It is super clean and super classy yet makes my jaw drop.  Rolling on a uber sexy Blitz Z1 Technospeed wheels just adds a whole lotta sexy.

It’s boosted, badass, and beautiful.  What more can a person ask for?

Next we have Bisimoto’s extra sexy Wagovan.  I really love this Wagovan.  It is probably the sexiest one I have seen, ever.  The colour combined with the wheels just adds so much to this little Wagovan.  Not to mention, it’s boosted!

In case you were wondering, Bisi is trying to hit 700hp on pump gas, according to the article.  This article focused mainly on the suspension and the paint more than anything.  it is quite a good read if you really like the Wagovan.

Holy testicles, I want those wheels.


…we have a ’73 Mazda RX-3.  Not just any RX-3, quite possibly the sexiest one I have ever seen.  And this RX-3 is running a very similar colour scheme to me!  I bet you people drool over this, but ever since I started this colour scheme four years ago, I get more hate than anything.  I guess it all depends on how special the hater feels.  I definitely admit my box is not to this caliber, but it’s the colour that I get the most negative comments on, whatever.

The show a couple pictures of how the custom fenders were formed.  Really shows what a person can do.  I just cannot get over this one though, it’s so damn sexy.

Pick up this issue of SS.  I thoroughly enjoyed it.

If you guys enjoy this, I can do it more when I find more material.


Nation of Go

Some of you may remember my post a little while ago on the Drifting Element from Nation of Go.  If you don’t recall or have not seen it, check out my previous post to refresh your memory: Dorifto Element. Well, that sick ass Element is back.  I found some more pictures of the Element in action on Nation of Go’s Flickr.  See, I told you I would update once I found more pics and info!

Remember this monster?

Well I have found through my research that this beast is powered by an Acura V-6 that is cranking out 550hp.  No, I am not high.  I said this thing is pushing 550hp.  Never thought you’d hear that about an Element did you?  I know I sure as hell didn’t.

Now you know why it needs those two cone filters out front.

Dat ass!

Also recall that this Element has been converted to RWD and is supposed to be competing in Formula D this coming season.  I still cannot get over how awesome that is.  Apparently (from my readings) this monster handles extremely well and is thought to be a serious contender.

That Civic was the chase/video car.

The test facility’s garage.

Follow the links posted below to read more about their trip to see this Element.

I leave you with the Nation of Go’s van.  Why?  Because it is so freaking cool.  How many off road vans do you see?  Exactly, so shut yo’ face and enjoy.

My previous Element post.

Pics and info: Nation of Go, Flickr



Well well well.  I kind of dropped the ball last week ladies.  January 15, 2010 was the one year anniversary of OMG Pancakes.  That’s right, the blog you all love and adore is a year old!  Now how could I forget such an important date?  Simple, I am a boob.  But you must forgive me for futzing up.  School is hectic right now as I am trying to figure out my graduation situation.  Fucking crazy how fours years of college have flown by.  But I digress.

I still cannot believe that I have been doing this for a year and OMG Pancakes is as popular as ever.  Seems I am doing something right or something terribly wrong because there are a shit ton of you that check to blog regularly.  Who would have thought that there were so many others that suffer from the disease of vannonitus and wagon syndrome?!  There will never be a cure, I hope.  I will continue to bring the hot fiyah for you guys as long as I can.

Yes, that’s my big self flying through the air.  You want to know how it ended?  Let’s just say there was an implosion of sorts and the bed lost.


Which leads me to my next point!  (See what I did there?  That’s called a segway kids)  I am looking to get the features re-rolling here at OMGP.  I have done a few, but not as many as I would like.

(I am subjecting you to copious amounts of Big Hindu today!)

So if you have a ride that meets OMGP criteria and it is sexy pants, drop me a line and we’ll see what we can do.  Comment here or send me one of those cryptic electronic mail thingies (email) to  If you’re close enough, I’ll shoot it like I did Mete’s Pulsar.

Maybe she’ll come too?

Nope, I lied.

Oh look, I think I just saw another segway!  Yep, here it comes…

Speaking of models, Autoblog posted a pretty funny video of some douche reporter trying to slyly mack with an auto show model.  That post led me to the blog where it was orinigally posted: Do You Come With The Car? It is a really good read mainly because it’s completly original.  I think it’s awesome to see life from the model’s perspective and the anonymous writer does just that.  She’s pretty witty too.  Check it out.

To finish out the day I leave you with an awkwardly existential shot from one of my favorite blogs, The Chronicles…

I don’t know if he was aiming for it, but I find the Bisimoto Wagovan very telling here.


Wagon full of win

Another picture from the vast archives of Big Hindu’s hard drive.  Now I really have no idea if this is anything other than a Lancer Wagon.  I don’t know if an Evo version was ever made into wagon form so forgive me if this is really an Evo or some other variation.  I drive a slow box, I don’t know these things.  If you know, help me senor.

I do know one thing is for certain: it is full of WIN!


Cube renderings

Found some pretty awesome Cube renderings in my hard drive.  I don’t know where the hell I got them from but they are pretty damn awesome.

Safari style windshield, SICK!  This is just badass, I cannot get over that windshield.  No matter how impractical it is, I loves it!

Okay, this one trumps the latter.  Pop out windows and a slot for the board is freaking crazy awesome.  That step is also pretty damn sick.  The integration is great.

Found some more info on the shop that drew the rendering, but nothing more on the Cubes themselves.  I will have to do more digging.  Problem Child Kustomz


This guy knows…

…save gas and get big by pulling your ride.  Okay, it is a kei truck, but it’s still probably slightly heavy.

Dude is diesel.  Don’t mess with a man that would rather carry his vehicle.  True story.

January 2010