Archive for October, 2009


This guy

This guy, he loves his Estimas so much that he may have hit a “mangasm” as he walked away.  Poor guy never had a chance.

Oh face

Damn kids and their Frank Sinatra!


Vader Fit

I laughed pretty hard when I saw this.  Obviously not as awesome as the KTM X-Bow or the Lotus, but I lol’d.

vader fit

May the force be with you, well at least the 100 forces that lie under that hood. (ZING!!!!)


Utah travels

Okay, late post today because I am swamped this week.  I just took one exam today, have one tomorrow, a paper Thursday and another exam Friday.  FML right now.  I wanted to get up some of the stuff I saw in Utah.  Most of the  content won’t fit OMGP criteria, but whatever.

And away we go…

My trip started out on Monday night at 11:30pm where we drove to Baltimore.  That was a 3.5 hour drive.  Had a flight to Newark, NJ, then to Denver, CO and then into Salt Lake City, UT.  Long ass flights and I felt sick after it all.  But, I had fun, some of the time.


This is me waiting for the first flight at around 4 or 5 am.  Yeah, I was sort of out of it.

The first flight was really tiny.  Like, really tiny.  There were two rows; a single row and a double row.  I could not properly fit in the seat.  My legs were too long and I was too tall.  Bleh.  tiny plane

Shitty cellphone pic, but you sort of get the idea.

On the second flight, I did get to sit next to some old guy that I called a child after he cut me boarding, for five hours.  It was awesome, especially because he felt the need to narrate everything he did.  I kid you not.  If I had not fallen asleep for three of the five hours, I would have stabbed him.  Not to mention that for some reason he felt the need to get big and take over into my seat.  The guy sitting to my right was definitely a crack head.  He was super spastic and annoying.  At one point he got up and walked around the plane looking for his bag for a good 20-30 minutes.  Once he had found it, he took out a magazine.  Dude was super annoying.

second plane

Shit was packed and hella retarded.  This was my worst flight, by far.

The third flight out of Denver, we had to Home Alone that bitch up so we could catch it on time.  We had to run, well I walked and let everyone else run, but we had to run.

Our hotel was really odd.  It was more than likely built in the 50’s or 60’s and had definitely been through four of five owners, but it was huge.  Pretty huge and awkward (that’s what she said – ZING!!!).  It had a bar at the top that the shuttle driver described as, “for every ten ugly chicks, there is one okay looking one.”  Needless to say, we did not go there.  Our first room, and I say first not because we switched hotels but because we had to switch rooms.  More on that later though.  We did not really hang anything up in the really small closets.  My friends and I just sort of claimed corners of the room, we roll hard.


This is how we roll.  Only thing I hung up was my suit jacket.  I got mad packing and ironing skills homey (not really).


The view from our really small balcony.  It was literally a foot long and about ten feet wide.  You can fit two people on there as long as they do not want to look at each other.


Beautiful mountains.  I only had my 18-55mm lens with me, so I could not zoom anymore.  If you are wondering what that white establishment is down there.  It is a place called Brewvies…


It is a Cinema and a pub.  YEAH!!!  We wanted to go really badly, but we just did not have the time.  Want to learn more? I know I did! Go here.

The convention itself was pretty cool, but not what I expected.  I did not get what I went there for, an internship.  But I did get to ride a Segway for the first time, actually I rode them three times.  We got to know the Segway guys pretty well over the three days we were there.  They were good people.  They were even cool when I went into the turn too hot and took out the barrier.  Yeah, I’m hardcore what of it?

While walking to the convention center the first night there I saw this pretty sweet Chevy van that was lifted and had ski racks: awesomesauce.


Thing is beastly.  Wish I could have one of these.


Just up the road from this van, there was a Porsche 911 or something, one of the newer ones, that had a roof rack on it.  I tried to get pics of it, but my phone took a crap on me.  It was the first time I had ever seen that.  Probably not cool to a lot of you, but I thought it was pretty awesome.

The first night there we were dead tired.  We went and had food and drinks at a bar called Murphy’s, nice place, and then crashed.  I had been up for something around 36 hours or so aside from the little sleep on the plane.

The second night I went out to the nearest liquor store and bought six different beers.  I had no idea we could mix and match beers so I decided that I must do this while I was there.


I put them on ice and we went out to a bar.

My friends were pretty much drunk before we went to the bar, while I had nothing to drink.  I don’t get drunk personally.  I tend to have one or two beers and then call it a night.  The bar we went to was called “Tavernacle” and it was an awesome place.  I just had a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale and it was pretty damn good.  The bar itself had two piano players playing against each other and they were damn good.  I ended up paying $8 to hear “I Will Survive” and I stole the microphone away from the guy, he was happy about that.  It was a fun night.  I ended up not actually drinking my beers that night, but I did the next night and some were good and some were not.  The Labatt was there for fun and I ended up not even drinking it, it was a gift later on.

My friends got trashed a few times, while I never went past two beers.  I just chill man.

The third day we decided to walk around the city some and see what we could find before we headed into the convention.  I walked around the Temple and went to the top of the Conference Center, but a lot of those pics looked like ass when I went through them so here are just a couple.


I have a few pics of a couple getting married, but they were a funky looking couple and the way the bride was posing, I was kind of afraid for the groom’s manhood.  She looked mean and that she wore the pants.  If you read this man, good luck with that.



Like I said, these look like doo-doo but I wanted to post something.

Oh yeah, about that bed.  Well in a shockingly hilarious event, the bed frame broke, more like blew up.  That is all I am saying because it was a freak accident and I plead the fifth from here on.  (we go hard)

The day we left, we had two old Bud Lights and the Labatt left.  We left those as a tip for the cleaning people.  We are such nice guys.


We are awesome.

The trip back was not as arduous and insanely boring as the trip there.  I did happen to manage to get the middle seat in four of my five flights.  That’s because the first flight had no middle seat.  I did yell at the guy next to me for taking up half my seat on the long flight from Houston to Baltimore.  He was quite receptive after I yelled at him.  I actually said, “look at this Hercules looking motherfucker over here, taking up the whole damn seat.”  He moved after that.  Did you know the Houston airport has a Bass Pro Shops in the damn airport?!  Who the hell puts a Bass Pro Shop in an airport?!  Crazy kids.  I was freaking surprised at the fact that the airport itself looked waaaaay smaller when I was on the plane.  I had to run across the damn airport to catch my other flight, so I know.  I had to Home Alone that bitch up too so I could find out the flight was delayed.


The final flight from Houston to Baltimore.  It was a fun one.

We did not get in until 4:30am Saturday morning and then I slept and went to the football game where PSU whooped Minnesota 20-0, bitches!

I am going to sleep and then taking a 10am exam that I feel totally unprepared for, woot!  Long week guys, long week.


And we’re back!!

I have returned loyal readers!  I hope you guys didn’t miss me too much.  It was a long week and the traveling was insanely tedious, but my trip to Salt Lake City, UT was pretty awesome overall.  I got some stuff from Salt Lake that I want to upload but I am swamped with work because I missed a week and have three exams in two days so I have to work on that.  I will get the Utah post up tomorrow.  For today I wanted to post a picture I saw on a Scion forum that I thought was pretty awesome.

cool beans

I suspect this is a Toyota Land Cruiser, but I am not certain.  In case you didn’t notice the tracks, they are the best part of this ride.  Reminds me a lot of the Gangster HiAce I posted a long while ago.  The tracks even have the Toyota emblem on there.  I wonder if these are some sort of factory option somewhere.


JCCS ’09

Well, like I said yesterday, I am leaving tonight so I thought I’d get a good sized post up today.  Got my shit mostly packed, trying to figure out how to carry my suit jacket and all.  Got one uber long day ahead of me.  If you don’t see any posts in the coming days don’t fret because I still love you guys.  I will be back early Saturday morning.  Until then, I bid you adieu.

I tried to scour the big blogs to put together all the rides from JCCS ’09 that meet OMGP criteria.  See I did all the work for you guys, aren’t you glad?  Now give me some candy for my hard work, give it.

Let’s start.


Two saweeeet Corolla wagons.


A Datsun 1000 in pristine condition.  I will admit that I had never seen one of these before this pics, but it is a pretty cool little vehicle.



’79 Datsun 810 Wagon, another vehicle I had never seen before, but I love it.


KP61 Starlet with those sexy TRD flares and 4AGE power to boot.  Dammit I want one.





Kickass little Honda Z600.



Duffman’s super sexy TE 72 Corolla.  I am such a fan of this ride ever since I saw it from the Nisei coverage.



Sunny Truck, loves it!



Super fresh 510 Wagon.


OG Land Cruiser.  Gosh damn these are so damn cool.


I want to say this is also a Land Cruiser, but I think I am wrong.  Can someone help me identify this vehicle?



Mazda trucks, so cool.



A first-gen Civic Wagon, something I have never seen before.  Now this is a Civic I would rock, most definitely.



Uber rare ’82 Nissan Wagon that was parked next to that other uber rare Datsun Wagon further up in this post.

Get ready for a 510 Wagon overload…





…hope you survived that 510 Wagon smörgåsbord.


Mazda RX-3 wagon, yummmm.



Two super clean Honda N600’s.


The life of a wagon: chill.

Pics: Japanese Nostalgic Car, SpeedHunters, Clunkbucket, The Chronicles…


Well, what?

If you are reading this and an avid reader of OMGP, you might be wondering why I am updating on a Sunday because I haven’t done a weekend post for quite some time.  I am updating on a Sunday because I am going on a business trip next week and I have a feeling I will have limited access to my computer and even less time to update OMGP.  So I am posting up today and hopefully tomorrow.  I am leaving tomorrow night so I will do my best to get an update out for you guys.

So I saw these cool little hybrids posted up on SpeedHunters and I wanted to share them.


Coolest Pius I have ever seen.


Insight corral, I dig it.

These pics were from SpeedHunters’ coverage of D1-GP Round 7 at Fuji.


I lol’d

Just saw these kei buses on Flickr.  I have no idea why they are cat and dog, if anyone does, let me know.  I just found these funny.

Kei bus

Pics: Flickr



Today I post for you some awesome shit from the BOWLS guys.  You might be asking yourself (if you haven’t read the title yet), “Don’t the BOWLS guys just do Ruckus stuff, why are they on here?”  Well little Timmy, yes BOWLS does some awesome shit with Ruckuiiii (I still don’t know how to pluralize Ruckus), but they also have a pretty sweet SEMA project in the works.  Scion tossed them the keys to a new xB2 to go all nuts-o on for this year’s SEMA.  Seems like kind of a short window if you ask me, but these dudes got this.  Well, I’ll shut up for a minute so we can bask in the pictures.


This is what BOWLS plans to bring to the table this November and holy numerical wonder Batman, I hope they deliver because this thing looks amazing.


They are cutting shit up!  I love the smell of a brand new car getting hacked up.  It’s better than napalm in the morning and that is a wonderful smell!


Sir, I may not know who you are, but what you are doing looks fun as hell.


Dr. Frankenstein at work!  Lets hope this monster doesn’t do what the other one did.  Tisk, tisk Frankenstein’s monster.




I really cannot wait, this build should be sexiful.

They also have a cool little vid about the build.

Find out more info about BOWLS and this build here and see the Scion press release about this build and the other for SEMA here.

Now it is not really a secret that I don’t like the xB2 a whole lot.  It’s just me, sorry xB2 fanboys.  But I really like a well-done xB2 and this one is no exception.  This is also the first xB2 I have posted on here and if xB2 guys step their game up, it won’t be the last.

Best of luck guys.



Just a super seks Accord Wagon straight from Japan.


I ❤ this Accord.


Update: Boso Box pt2

Remember our friend James with that RS2 xB with huge crazy wheels and insanity written all over it?  Well he’s back.  James just can’t seem to leave well enough alone and I love it!  Apparently James got bored and I guess when that happens, he puts shark noses on boxes.  Oh yes, you read that right, shark nose.

If you have been living under a rock and haven’t seen the first two posts James’ boso box, please go here and here.  After you have done that, then you can truly understand what follows these words.  Well maybe not understand it because few do, but you can see how this box is coming along.



Dude is nuts, like literally, but it is the most awesome kind of nuts.  How many people do you know get bored and rank out boso inspired pieces?  Exactly.




I’m no fabricator, but that looks pretty damn good to me!


There you have it, the only xB in the US with a shark nose.  But I doubt that many people were clamoring for that title.  The man is committed.  Love or hate his box, you can’t deny his commitment to the overall.  Can’t wait for more updates on this box.  Best of luck James.

October 2009